Dan Liu
Athlete Bio#
San Jose, CA
Personal: Dan started play table tennis when at 8 years old. He was selected to Henan province professional team to trained for 3 years, and then, went to Sichuan province professional team for 5 years until coming to USA in 2011. Dan Liu has been full time coach and coaching at ICC table tennis center more than 7 years. During the period he used my spare time to practice and attend a lot of tournaments. Also, he has lead students to many great achievements. Liu acted in a support role at 2012 Olympic Trials and London Olympic for Timothy, Ariel and Lily. In 2016, he was a practice coach for Lily Zhang and Jiaqi Zheng for Olympic Trials and Rio Olympics. He was coaching in the advanced Group class and leading physical fitness session for ICC students. Also in his group are a few students in US Team, as well as others who have the potential to qualify for the National Team in future. Now he is a coach at Table Tennis America.
Birthplace: Nanyang, China
Current Residence: San Jose, California
Home Club: Table Tennis America
Number of Active Years Coaching and Coaches Stations: over 7 years at ICC, currently Coach at Table Tennis America
Coaching Achievements:
- Acted as a support role at the 2012 Olympic Trials and London Olympic for Timothy, Ariel, and Lily
- In 2016 acted as a practice coach for Lily Zhang and Jiaqi Zheng for Olympic Trials and Rio Olympics
- Coaching on the advance side of ICC’s Advance Group class
- Leading physical fitness sessions for ICC’s Advance Group Class
- A few of mine students in US team and others who have potential to qualify for national Team in future.