Kai Zhang
Athlete Bio#
Westchester, NY
Playing Style: Right handed, two winged attacker
Playing Equipment:
Blade: Butterfly Viscaria
FH Rubber: DHS Hurricane Neo 3
BH Rubber: Butterfly Tenergy05
Most Memorable Result in Table Tennis so far? There are many of them. First of all, when I was in 2015 Portugal Junior Open Singles Final, I was up 3:1, then was chased to 3:3. The deciding game, I was up 10:7 and then down 10:11. At the end, I won 17:15, which was very intense and memorable. Secondly, in the 2016 World Junior Circuit Finals, I beat An Jaehyun 4:0 in the group stage who is currently bronze medal owner in 2019 World Championships.