Safe Sport Information Homepage#



USA Table Tennis Safe Sport Policy


Become Safe Sport Compliant


CONTACT: Tina Ren, Safe Sport Compliance Liaison (


USATT Safe Sport Reporting Procedures


CONTACT: Mark Thompson, Athlete Protection Officer (



The SafeSport Code vests the United States Center for SafeSport [“USCSS”] with exclusive jurisdiction over certain matters including all allegations related to sexual misconduct. Reports of Misconduct can be directly submitted to the USCSS at the following link:


Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy


The Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP) aim to help young athletes feel safe, supported, and strengthened—by limiting one-on-one interactions between adults and children, requiring abuse prevention training for certain adults, and promoting environments in which misconduct is less likely to occur.


Training Calendar

Free MAAPP Training Registration


More Information

Please visit to find out more information about athlete safety and abuse prevention.