Athlete Bio#
San Jose, CA
San Jose State University
Home Club: Topspin in San Jose, CA
Education: BS Computer Science
Coach(es): PG Johansson, my Dad and Roger (my brother)
Handed: Right
Style of Play: Offense
Grip: Shakehands
Sponsors: Joola
Blade and Rubber: Joola Viva with Phoenix
Highest Rating: 2712
Competition Record/Titles:
Member of 2013 US National Team
Member of USA Table Tennis Hall of Fame
Former Member of USA Table Tennis Board of Directors
2000 and 2004 Member of US Olympic Table Tennis Team
Captain of 2004 US Olympic Table Tennis Team
2000 North American Champion
How were you introduced to table tennis:
My Dad taught me when I was 8 years old.
Your best victory or tournament? Highest Rating to date?
Winning the North American Championships and making the US Olympic Team in
What are your Goals in the sport?
Coach a Junior to make
the US Olympic Team
Who is your Favorite Player?
Jan Ove Waldner
Personal Info:
Has a wife Julie and 3 kids. An 18 month old boy Khaden and daughters Khamille 15 and Khassidy 13 years old. Has 3 brothers and 3 older sisters.
Currently work at Audible Magic as a Senior Engineering Manager.