2022 Washington State Qualifier Shaping into a Massive Northwest Table Tennis Event
by Joshua Dyke
Seattle Pacific Table Tennis Club is assembling a massive 2022 Washington State Qualification Tournament for the April 9 – 10. Over a hundred players are registered for next weekend’s WA SQT event in Bellevue, Washington.
Athletes from across the state of Washington and surrounding Northwest states from over a dozen listed home clubs are convening at SPTTC.
The players and clubs from around the state are admirably putting club rivalries aside and coming together for a memorable large-scale event which will close out west coast SQT's.
Hosting their second WA SQT, Seattle Pacific TTC’s number of participants are increasing quickly, and the player count for the tournament has the potential to rival Texas as the largest SQT of the year. See this year’s 2022 WA SQT ENTRY FORM.
Washington will close out the strong year of West Coast SQT events this year with a high volume of table tennis. There are 31 Championship Events listed in the event's ONLINE REGISTRATION. There will be 11 non-championship events with cash prizes open to all USATT Members:
32 Open Singles Sunday, April 10
33 U-2300 Round Saturday, April 9
34 U-2150 Round Sunday, April 10
35 U-1950 Round Saturday, April 9
36 U-1750 Round Sunday, April 10
37 U-1550 Round Saturday, April 9
38 U-1350 Round Saturday, April 9
39 U-1150 Round Sunday, April 10
40 4200 Doubles Saturday, April 9
41 3800 Doubles Sunday, April 10
42 3400 Doubles Saturday, April 9
43 2800 Doubles Sunday, April 10
Championship Event Winners (Event# 1 – 31) of the 2022 Washington State Qualification Tournament Seattle Pacific will claim free event entry to the 2022 U.S. National Table Tennis Championships in Fort Worth, Texas. The Washington event also marks the last weekend for scheduled 2022 State Qualifiers as preparation for 2022 U.S. Nationals Regional Qualification Tournaments.
Seattle Pacific Table Tennis Center
13249 NE 20th St, Bellevue, WA 98005
Website: http://www.spttc.net
Phone: (206) 922-9282
Email: spttccamps@gmail.com